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Sarah - Adult Social Worker Apprentice

Written by: Jay Aulum and Sarah at Warwickshire County Council
Published on: 13 Dec 2022

Sarah is an Apprentice Adult Social Worker at Warwickshire County Council. Below Sarah talks through how it feels to start a new career while still working in Adult Social Care…

I have worked in Social Care for 13 years and I had reached that point in life where I was looking for a new challenge. I wanted to develop my skills and push myself, so when the opportunity came up for me to apply for the Social Work Degree Apprenticeship, I knew I had to go for it.

The support of my employer, Warwickshire County Council, was the push and reassurance I needed and I knew that everything was going to be OK. My manager and colleagues told me that I would make a great social worker and that my existing skillset was a testament to that. My team were supportive of me every step of the way.

The apprenticeship allows me the opportunity to join the dots, to apply the theories and methods from university in combination with the skills and knowledge I have built up as a Social Care Worker. Studying in this way enables me to fully understand the decisions I am making and factors that may impact the customers I am working with.

I have a practice educator within Warwickshire and my direct line manager to ensure that I am able to discuss my development and learning. I feel fully supported and I think it’s a great option for people joining the organisation as it  shows that there is an opportunity for career progression and that Warwickshire is committed in supporting staff development.

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